Monday, July 30, 2012

Washington D.C. and Home

Washington D.C. and Home

We only had an hour and a half ride from just north of Richmond to D.C., one of our shortest drives of the trip. We drove into the mall and found a parking spot right in the middle, near the Smithsonian’s that Diane wanted to visit.

I original wasn’t going to shoot many photos in D.C. but the clouds were perfect and Diane didn’t mind. She enjoys taking her time in the Museums and I kind of cruise through them, so it worked out nicely.

I started by heading straight down the mall towards the Washington monument, the mall can be very deceiving, it can look like the Monuments are not that far away, until you start walking towards them, especially in 93 degree weather. I set up for this panoramic shot first.

I then continued to the monument. I have shot here many times, and knew I wanted to capture a panoramic from close up of the flags and monument. I forgot that the monument was closed but you could still get pretty close. I had to work around a fence that they have to keep people out.

While I was there I also captured this shot of the sunlight shining in-between two flags.

After spending a couple hours here I had to put some money in the meter, and met Diane for lunch. We then both went through one of the Smithsonian’s together. Diane wanted to go to a couple more, so I went to the capital to shoot for a couple hours.

While there I captured this photo of the reflecting pound in front of the capital.

Also this panoramic photo of flowers with the Capital in the background.

After shooting there I waited for Diane to finish up at the Museum, then picked her up, drove her around to see a couple of the monuments, then we were off to see some friends in Maryland.

It was only 13 miles, it took 45 minutes and we were almost in about 10 accidents. I have been to D.C. many times and I have been all over the country, and by far the D.C. drivers are the worst. They just don’t care where they are going or if you are in their way. We made it to our destination. We had a great time visiting with our friends Dena and Aaron Katz, we went and ate some Thai food and caught up for a while. They have a young son that went to bed early plus Diane and I were exhausted, so we called it a night after dinner.

In the morning we started our drive home. It’s about a 9-hour drive, but we had a couple things we wanted to do in Akron that took us a couple extra hours and then next stop was home sweet home!


Wow, what an amazing trip. I couldn't ask for a better partner in general and on this adventure. Diane and I had such a great trip around the southeast part of the country.

10 States, 8 days, 2825 miles. We went out of our way a couple times, but they were well worth it. One was to see one of my best friends that I had not seen in years, the other to Myrtle Beach, how can you go wrong going out of your way to hit the beach for a couple hours.

We ate some great food, BBQ in N.C., Seafood in S.C. served by one of the nicest straight out of a book/movie southern lady, and Thai food in D.C. with great friends just to name a few.

We had beach time in two states, sat in the middle of a river in the Smokey Mountains, and walked down one of the nicest tree lines (Wormsloe) you could ever ask for.

We stayed in a great B/Bin Savannah and a nice little cabin in the Smokeys.

We saw wild Elk starting their day, a peach stand salesman start his day, a street artist drew a photo of Diane, and I don’t think I mentioned this before, but had another street artist make a rose out of leaves for Diane in Savannah.

I’m sure I’m leaving things out, but one thing I know is that it was a fantastic trip that I will never forget. I love getting out and seeing the country, making memories, and we were lucky enough to do just that.

I don’t know where the next road will take me, but for now this is all I have, so until the next adventure, I'm out!

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