Sunday, July 29, 2012

Myrtle Beach - Richmond

Myrtle Beach – North of Richmond 7.26.12.

Well our time in Savannah has come to an end and we had a wonderful time. I’m glad the city grew on me and I can’t wait to get back. It was 95 – 99 everyday and very muggy but well worth dealing with. I recommend the Marshall House if you ever want to stay in a B/B there.

The road this day would take us from Savannah to just north of Richmond with a stop in Myrtle Beach (M.B.) but on the way out of town we decided to stop at the peach stand that I mentioned in an earlier post. The first one out of town was closed, when we went by the second one, we saw he was just getting set up. We stopped, he was a very sweaty unshaved man, Diane got out, he asked if we had any matches so he could light his cigarette, and we had plenty from the cabin a few nights before, so we gave him some books. Diane then came back to the car with 6 peaches for $10. Now I love to bargain with people, so I gave her a little grief when she told me how much they were. I’m not cheap by any means, but I just know to never pay asking price at a stand like this. He had told her some sad story about the drought and the farmer he buys from upped the price, I don’t but it, haha. We easily could have got them for $6. They were pretty good, so as we drove away we ate one and put the others in the cooler.

We decided we wanted some more beach time, looking at the map we decided to stop at Myrtle Beach. It would be about 2 hours out of the way, but we didn’t have anything planned that day, so why not. After getting off 95 you drive on a two-lane road for a little over an hour, you go through tons of S.C. small towns. When we finally arrived in M.B. I had to stop and buy some new flip-flops, mine had broke the day before at Hilton Head, and we stopped at a Wal-Mart. They were out, so I bought some water shoes. Next stop was the beach.

We pulled right up to the public beach and found a parking spot about 3 cars from the beach, got our beach gear together and headed toward the water. There is a street with every kind of beach shops you could ever want, little arcades, and a Ferris wheel. As we arrived at the beach we noticed there were chairs and umbrellas set up just like at Hilton Head, I went up to the lifeguard and rented a set. Straight into the water was our next stop. Just as we walked into the water the lifeguard heightened the warning, but the waves didn’t seem that bad. They were bigger and rougher than Hilton Head, but really not that rough.  The water was not as warm as HH but was plenty warm. We stayed for about an hour and a half, and then decided it was time to head north, but not before stopping and getting a foot long hot dog. I’m a sucker for those, as a kid my Grandparents used to take me to the county fair every year, and my Grandpa and I would always get a foot long. So whenever I’m at a fair, or a beach like this I think about him, and have to get one!

I put D.C. in my GPS and off we went, we didn’t need gas at the time, but we saw it as low as $3.04 just outside of town, that’s the cheapest we saw on the drive. Diane and I joked about gas prices often on the trip, my parents are always commenting on gas prices when I travel with them, so we would make comments if we bought it and then down the road it was a little cheaper.

The GPS took us a route I would have never taken, through a ton of little towns just like we drove through in S.C., but this time it was North Carolina. I had lived in N.C. back in 98, and had been to some of these same small towns, so it was really nice to get back through there. Not much has changed; most of them have a gas station and maybe a party store or ABC store as they call them. We then got back to 95 and headed north towards Richmond/D.C. 95 as many of you know is the main road up the east coast of the country, so there are a lot of semis and traffic, there are also a lot of billboards, so we saw everything from Christmas stores, to south of the boarder truck stop advertised every few miles for 130 miles.

After 8 hours in the car, broken up by a couple hours in the ocean we decided to stop in a small town just north of Richmond for the night, got a hotel and pizza then called it a night. 

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