Monday, July 23, 2012

Bristol - Asheville - Cherokee

7.22.12 we got up and started our drive to Cherokee NC, where we are staying in a cabin for two days before heading to Savannah. We woke up and went downstairs to get some of the continental breakfast, but it was really basic and very picked over, we did get stuck talking to a couple from New Jersey, that in 5 minutes told us their life story. On our way out of town we stopped by Bristol Speedway, just to check it out.

Then we were off to Asheville to get some lunch, we asked a local where they recommended for BBQ and she instantly said Luella's. So we took her word and drove about 5 miles, and just when we started to wonder if we were going in the right direction we turned the corner and there was a big neon BBQ sign.

We went in and looked at the menu, it all looked great but why have one thing when you can have a little of everything, so I ordered a meal with three meats, Chicken, Sausage and Brisket with a side of Mac and Cheese, and Spicy Grits. Diane had Chicken and Pulled pork. It Melted in our mouths.

Next stop was the Cabin about an hour and a half drive. We got checked in, then went to the stream, put our chairs right in the water and relaxed after a couple days on the road.

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