Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Autumn in Michigan 10.1.12

Here we go again, I’m back in Green Bay (GB) this week. As it looks (as of now) this is the only week I will be here this month, so I can handle that.

I have been fighting off a cold the last couple weeks and wasn’t feeling that great Monday, but I knew if I wanted to capture some of the Autumn colors I better head through the UP on my way to GB. I’m glad I did. The trees are just about at full peak. I would say in about a week they will be at full peak.

I started the day early. I woke up about 6:45 jumped in the shower and was out the door about 7:15. As I headed up 127 the sun started to rise. I drive by these trees all the time around St Johns that lean towards the north. As I approached them the sun just started to peak up over the horizon. I pulled over and decided to capture a panoramic shot. The clouds were nice and the sun rising behind the trees created a nice silhouette for the trees.

I then continued north, wondering if the clouds would cooperate with me in the UP. As I got closer to the Bridge I saw a line of clouds forming. When I came around the curve that opens up to the Bridge I saw they were running right along the Bridge skyline. I stopped on the Mackinaw City side and captured this Panoramic.

After that I started my trek west on Highway 2. The sun was high in the sky, so I couldn’t really get any shots to the south (Lake Michigan) because the sky would have just been washed out. So I decided to hit a few back roads and see what I could capture.

After that I decided I wanted to start making some better time. I wasn’t feeling great, so I powered through the next 4 hours and made it to GB about 5:30, got checked into my room and relaxed.  

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