Friday, August 31, 2012

Birthday and Ballgame last week

On last Friday I turned 38. In general I don’t really care too much about celebrating my birthday but I like to celebrate other people's. This isn’t because I’m worried about getting older, at least not much more than most. I’m fine with turning 38 and if I say that enough times maybe you will believe me and maybe most importantly I will talk myself into believing that! Now talk to me in two years when I turn 40 and maybe it will be a different story.

One memory I have when I was younger was of my Mom and Dad turning 40. I was 13 at the time and I remember going to Spenser gifts in the Lansing Mall with my Mom and buying my Dad a bunch of over the hill gifts. A coffee mug, balloons, and cards. At that time I thought 40 was really old. Of course in the last several years I have had many friends turn 40 (Bought some of them the same gifts) and now I’m on that doorstep myself.

I had a great day on Friday. I started by waking up in my own bed. I had just gotten back from another week in Green Bay about 1am. I ran over to my parents (a nice 5 minute drive now that I live back in East Lansing.) I saw them and my Grandma for an hour or so. I then spent a lot of the day running around getting caught up on some errands.   

When Diane got out of work she stopped and got us a pizza, cake and ice cream. Diane, Jasmine and I ate, watched movies and took it easy. It was the perfect way to spend my birthday. I heard from people on Facebook I haven’t talked to in along time and called it a night.

Saturday the only thing I had on my schedule was a family photo shoot in Okemos that took about an hour to shoot and a couple hours to edit.

Sunday we were off to the Tiger game. Diane and I picked up our friends Beth and Inna then we were off to meet other friends, Andy, Nicole, Shana, Larry and Ashley at Lafayette Coney a few blocks away from Comerica Park.

We all got some Coneys, then it was time for the game. We got bleacher tickets but for the most part just stood in right field or walked around the Park.

The weather was perfect and the Tigers won, but really the best part about the game was just being with great friends and enjoying a day at the Park.

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