Monday, October 14, 2013

Our Wedding Day

This path all started a few years ago when I met this beautiful intelligent woman (Diane) that has added so much to my life.

We met just over 3 years ago and had our first date on July 4th 2011. On February 28th 2013 I asked her to marry me in Jackson Square – New Orleans, and she said yes! This past week on October 5th we both said I do to each other in a wonderful ceremony at her church in East Lansing, in front of friends and family.

I had my Best Man Andy by my side, and she had her Daughter Jasmine as her Made of Honor. There ended up being 117 people there. We had a place called “Meat” from old Town (Lansing) cater the food (sorry vegetarians!). A friend of mine David Loomis and his girlfriend Sarah did the photography.

After months of preparation the day finally arrived. I picked up Andy from the hotel about 9am, and we got ready at my place. Diane left about 7am with Jasmine to head over to the hairdresser. They got dressed at the church. Andy and I got to the church about 10am and the service started at 11.

We waited in a side room as everyone walked in and got seated. I wasn't really as nervous as I thought I would be but of course there were a few nerves. I wasn't nervous about marring Diane at all, but more about getting married in front of all those people. Even though for work I have had to give many presentations, training's, and I have spoke in front of many groups, it’s different when it’s so personal. So after waiting in the side room with my family and friends, it was time. We lined up behind the Minister (Katherine) and walk down the aisle. I was happy to see all our family and friends there, and that helped to calm me down.

We then turned around and waited for the parents to come down the aisle. My Mom, Dad, Diane's Mom escorted by Diane's nephew. Then I first saw Jasmine. She looked beautiful, I had not seen the dress on her yet and they couldn't have picked a better one.

Then I saw a glimpse of Diane with her brother Mark. That’s when I almost lost it. I started to tear up and could tell everyone was looking at me for my reaction and it was a real one. Then luckily I was able to gather myself, I actually had to tell myself, you either pull it together or you are going to lose it. Diane looked amazing. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Mark brought her down the aisle and gave her a kiss before she turned and walked towards me. I could tell she was nervous, she was shaking and reached out for my hand. I grabbed it and told her she looked beautiful and then the minister started. Throughout the service all I wanted to do was kiss her, and I almost did during one part, but I waited. It was a really nice service with a member of her church (Randy) playing some music. I was able to take it in, I looked around and tried to see everyone that had made it. While doing so, many memories came rushing through my mind. Some from a long time ago and some from more recent. We then said our Vows and I do’s.

At the end we had everyone turn around and take a photo of the entire group. As we left everyone threw confetti and had noise makers that Diane had bought.

We took some family photos outside while our guest started to dig into the food.

After the photos we came in and tried our best to make our rounds to talk to everyone. Many of you have been married, so you know it’s almost impossible to spend any quality time with anyone. You are being pulled in 20 directions, but it was great to see everyone, even if it was brief.

Diane and I were so overwhelmed by the turnout. We wished we could have invited even more family and friends, but at some point you just have to draw a line. Or else we would have a 500 person wedding. We also couldn't believe the generosity of everyone. We got so many wonderful gifts.

I couldn't have asked for a better wedding. My biggest prize is being able to spend everyday with Diane and to have a wonderful step-daughter Jasmine in my life. It was great to be able to share this day with so many people that have meant so much to both of us in our life so far, and to know we have a ton of support.