Sunday, September 16, 2012

MSU vs. ND & Tigers vs. Sox

It’s been nice to be back in Michigan for the past few weeks. That’s coming to an end again. I will be in Green Bay this upcoming week and Milwaukee the following two weeks. It won’t be too bad though. The first week in Milwaukee is only going to be a couple days; the following week will be a full week.

I had a great weekend. Diane and I had our friends Andy and Nicole down from Midland. They had not been to our new place yet and I got sideline press passes to take photos of the MSU vs. Notre Dame game.

They arrived in town a little after 5 and we went to Jersey Giant for dinner before the game. We stopped by my parents' house and my Mom drove us on campus and dropped us off. We went to our friends' Woody and Mandi’s tailgate. Andy and Nicole stayed there for the first half and Diane and I went into the game.

We had a great time on the sidelines and I got some nice panoramic shots of the stadium. State wasn’t playing very well, and the game was kind of uneventful. Nicole joined me for the 3rd quarter and Andy for the fourth.

Even though the Spartans didn’t win and really looked pretty bad all around, it is always a good time on the sidelines, and being able to capture the game is always great.

After the game we came back to our place, ordered some pizza and just took it easy.

Today I was just sitting around after dinner and a friend of mine texted me (who I was going to meet for lunch tomorrow in Chicago) and invited me to the Tiger vs. Sox game in Chicago. It’s a makeup game for a rain out a few days ago. I’m always up for a game and haven’t seen the Sox in Cellular Field in a long time. I have been to Wrigley a few times the last couple years, but I don’t spend much time on the Southside.

It’s a good start to the week, it works out perfectly that I will be driving though Chicago right when the game will start and it’s only a 3.5 hour drive from there to Green Bay, so I will still get into town at a decent hour, to start work the following day.